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Fully Printed Dentures Improve Accessibility

In News by SprintRay Web Team

This month, SprintRay is making an appearance in the aesthetics section of Dental Products Report. The article, about improving accessibility of dentistry with 3D printing, features SprintRay 3D printers and our ability to utilize supported third-party resins to produce fully printed dentures. A New Frontier for Prosthodontics The crux of the article is affordability. Fully printed dentures have previously only …

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SprintRay About Town: New Article in Dentistry Today

In News by SprintRay Web Team

We’re making a splash in Dentistry Today, with an article by Dr. David Kelliny about how 3D printing improves production in dental practices. When going in for a major procedure, patients want their doctors to have the latest dental surgery technology. For Dr. Kelliny and his practice, that means having a SprintRay 3D printer in the office.   Constantly seeking …

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SprintRay in the News: Dental Compare

In News by SprintRay Web Team

Dr. David Kelliny has just published an article in DentalCompare that highlights why 3D printing is a perfect fit for dentistry. Dr. Kelliny specializes in some of the newest dental technology: 3D printed surgical drill guides. We could spend all day telling you why SprintRay 3D printers are perfect for dental clinics and labs, but we think Dr. Kelliny put …

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3D Printed Orthodontics: OrthoSelect Interview

In Interviews, News by SprintRay Web Team

A few weeks ago, we popped over to Salt Lake City to pay a visit to OrthoSelect, a laboratory that focuses on helping orthodontists with treatment planning and bracket placement. Using SprintRay 3D printers, they print indirect bonding trays that save doctors up to 45 minutes per patient when placing braces. These 3D printed orthodontics not only save chair time …

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New SprintRay Software Update Available Now!

In News by SprintRay Web Team

This newly released SprintRay Software update fixes a handful of small issues and updates the look and feel of our software. Here are the major changes: User interface updates! We’ve changed the shape of the buttons from round to square. We feel that this is a better expression of who we are. We’ve also changed the text color in certain …