Real Doctors, Real Stories

In Case Studies by Tyler Brouwer

At SprintRay, we think that focus groups and customer surveys are great tools and we use them to make sure we make the right products. But we’re always surprised at the creativity and ingenuity we see when we get out into the field and speak with our customers first-hand.

So we hit the road to speak with industry leaders across the country, from South Carolina to Los Angeles, with a few stops in between. We were inspired, surprised, and humbled by the incredible work that our products help make possible.

We love what we do, and we’re inspired every day by the fantastic community that we serve. It was gratifying to see different forms of clinical dentistry all benefiting from the same printers Two of our interviews in this series, those with Dr. Wally Renne and Dr. Ben Kellum, involve our products being used in community service and  education. The other two, Dr. Fung and Dr. de Oliveira, are outstanding examples of how 3D printing can help drive private practice growth.

On Monday, all the interview videos will be available on our YouTube channel. But for the next four weeks, we’ll be highlighting one interview per week, taking a closer look at how each doctor is leveraging 3D printing to help improve their efforts. These are their inspiring stories, and we’re so honored to be a part of them.

Week 1: Dr. Wally Renne

Our first feature is Dr. Wally Renne, the Assistant Dean of Technology at the University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine. Dr. Renne helps prepare dental students for the future by giving them access and teaching them how to use digital tools like scanning and 3D printing as part of their curriculum.

Look for Dr. Renne’s full interview on Monday!