This FAQ addresses key questions surrounding the retirement of RayWare Cloud 1.0 and the transition to RayWare Cloud 2.0.
Q: Why are you retiring RayWare Cloud 1.0?
A: We don’t take this decision lightly. We released RayWare Cloud 2.0 into public beta last year and spent the second half of 2024 listening to and implementing your feedback. We kept Cloud 1.0 available because transitioning to new software can be jarring. But RayWare Cloud 2.0 is now more stable and streamlined than 1.0, so we’re sunsetting 1.0 to focus our efforts on building the best software products possible for your workflows.
Q: When will RayWare Cloud 1.0 be retired?
A: RayWare Cloud 1.0 will be retired in February 2025. We are committed to providing ample time for all users to transition to RayWare Cloud 2.0.
Q: What will happen after the retirement date?
A: After the retirement date, RayWare Cloud 1.0 will no longer be accessible. To create print jobs, all users must use RayWare Cloud 2.0. The button to switch to ‘Old RayWare’ will no longer exist.
Q: How can I switch to RayWare Cloud 2.0 now?
A: You may already be using RayWare Cloud 2.0 without realizing it. To check, look for the switch at the top of the RayWare window. If the switch is red, then you’re already using 2.0. If the switch is gray, click the switch to activate RayWare 2.0. Don’t worry – all your data will switch over.
Q: What will happen to my saved data and print jobs?
A: It’s all safe! All print job data will automatically be migrated to RayWare 2.0 and available immediately. Any uploaded files will remain stored on Cloud Drive, and your Cloud Design Treatments will remain unchanged.
Q: What’s the difference between RayWare Cloud 1.0 and 2.0?e
A: RayWare Cloud 2.0 uses the same tools and workflows as 1.0, just with a streamlined user interface that makes it easier to learn and simpler to use. The technology behind the scenes is the same, so you can rest assured your print jobs are safe.